Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Spiderman and Chuck Norris

"With great power comes great responsibility..." Do you remember when this was told to Peter Parker in the Spiderman movie? The more power, strength, wisdom, knowledge, etc. that you have, more responsibility is required. Now that Peter Parker had power, he was responsible to use that power to help people.

There is a similar idea in the Bible. Matthew 25:21 ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things." Remember the story of David in the Bible? He was a shepherd, and a lion attacked the sheep. He killed it. Then, a bear attacked the sheep. He killed it. So, when David came before Goliath, he had already conquered the other giants he had faced. Goliath was just another enemy. Chuck Norris has nothing on David! God took him from being a shepherd boy to being one of the most powerful kings in history. This was all because David was responsible with the power he had been given, and was faithful in the small things.

What does this mean for us as guys? Are you being faithful in the small things? Are you being responsible for the little stuff in your life? Stuff like chores, making your bed, cleaning your room, doing your homework, spending time with God? Greatness starts in the small stuff! When we do the small stuff well, God will begin to trust us with more and more.

Be faithful in the small stuff!

James Copeland

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