Tuesday, June 30, 2015


At Camp this past week, we worked our way through the book of James. Wednesday we went through James 3, which was a strong message. James tells us to be quick to listen and slow to speak, something we all struggle with from time to time. That night after service we wrote hurtful words in chalk on the ground. It was a very eye-opening experience, because I was guilty of saying many of the words that had brought other campers so much pain. That night a great lesson was learned; always use words that build people up. Never tear anyone down. Jesus loved that person enough to die for them, so you should love them too. The day we left there was a really cool God moment. It was pouring rain as we left, which wiped away the chalk writing of all the negative words, just as we should wipe them away from our mouths and never use them. 

-Jimmy Gove

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