Thursday, June 13, 2013

Promise Me Something...

Men, what does it mean to be chivalrous? That’s some old word from the Middle Ages which requires us hold doors open for girls nowadays, right? Sort of…  Chivalry was a code of ethics and behaviors that knights and other noblemen sought to uphold, not only in regards to their interactions with fair maidens, but life in general. It was a vow, a promise which these men took seriously. The idea of a man’s word being worth value and accountability has lessened tremendously over the years. A man’s vow or word is not considered very serious or worthwhile in pursuing because, all too often, men can’t be trusted to keep their word or hold to a promise. I believe we can change this.

                  Men, we have tremendous influence in the world around us. And as Christian men, our influence has the possibility of witnessing Christ to non-believers and encouraging others in the faith through the Holy Spirit’s leading. It’s not easy. It takes a daily transformation of the mind and not conforming to the ways of the world, but seeking to live the biblical definition of manhood. What is that definition you may ask? One example could be this: The biblical man is one who rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously, loves sacrificially, and expects God’s greater reward instead of taking what the world immediately offers. Earlier this year, I made this definition of masculinity a verbal commitment in front of a group of guys who I know will hold me accountable to it. So I challenge you, men of God, to vow to live lives which reflect the image of our maker. But don’t just tell yourself to do it. Make a promise out loud, have other men hold you accountable to that promise, then seek to live it out each and every day as an opportunity to grow closer to God and show others Christ.

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