Friday, June 3, 2011

Trust. What is it? How do we do it? Trust can be a difficult thing. How do we trust God when things seem crazy? How do we trust God when it feels like He is far away? Trust can be defined as "firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something." Ok, cool. So trust is the belief in the reliability of God. But can we trust God? Yes! The cool thing is that God is 100% trustworthy. No matter what, we can depend on Him.

Have you ever laid in a hammock? They can be pretty sweet, but they can also be really uncomfortable if you lay in one too long. Either way, in order to lay in a hammock, you have to completely put your trust in it. You have to trust that it will not break. You have to trust that it will hold you up. Trust in God is kind of like a hammock. You can't just talk about trusting have to actually put your trust in Him, in the same way that you would put all of your weight into a hammock. It requires that you actively trust that God will hold you up, no matter what is going on.

Do you need to trust God today? You can. He is completely trustworthy. Psalm 9:10 says, "Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." We can trust Him. He won't give up on us.

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